Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Letter Craft

My intentions have been update this site more regulary, however, as you can tell that has not happened. Life has gotten me all busy and stuff so I do what I can when I can and that's not been a whole lot lately. Here it is the day before Christmas Eve and I'm just now posting about this craft that I did at the beginning of December. Oh well, if you like it maybe you can get the materials during the after Christmas sales and make your own version next year.

I went to hobby lobby and got these paper mache letters. I think they were 2.99 each.

I had some white craft paint, so I painted the sides of the letters with that.

I then went to the scrapbook paper area and spent way too much time looking through all the papers. I selected my paper and used my letters to trace on the back side of the paper.
I did not make the tracing dotted, that's just how the picture turned out.
My paper was 59 cents each and I bought 6 sheets for the fronts of the letters only since the backs of mine would be hidden. You most certainly can do both sides though.

 I then cut out my letters, got out my Mod Podge and glued the paper to the letters.

Here's the end result.

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