Saturday, January 2, 2010

Home Is Where My Animals Are.

I'm a huge animal lover, always have been, always will be. About five years ago, before I had my kiddos, I worked at a veterianain clinic for five years. I LOVED that job, but had to leave due to office politics or lack there of. Basically, it was just chaos there and that's how the owners wanted it even after they were told by several employees that it was just awful. I mourned that job like crazy for a month or more. Sounds silly I know, but I learned so much there. Of course I brought home the sick and injured animals that no one wanted and they have made some of the best pets.

Pogo and Slinky

I know everyone's not an animal lover, my husband for one likes them but could live without them, like that's going to happen. Anyway, there are some draw backs, of course they shed, and there is the occasional  "accident" on the carpet, though those are few and far between here, because I will NOT tolerate that. I think they just make a home feel homier. I am more of a cat person, but I have dogs too. I love to enter someones home and see there big fluffy kitties resting in their favorite spot in the house. I love it when they saunter up to me for a head rub or plop in my lap.

Pogo my three legged wonder cat. He was a rescue from when I worked at the Vet clinic.
Click to enlarge

So to me when I think of home I think of fluffy kitties, or doggies that are happy to see you. A nice soft blanket to share with your pet. After a long or hard day the sound of my kitty purring on my lap comforts me.

What makes your house a home to you? Do you share your home with a furry family member? Do tell!

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